Packed in a sentence with words that mostly mean something, I am mostly asexual, intermittently bisexual, biromantic, and male(-ish).
I use male pronouns (hij, han, he, er) but also accept gender-neutral pronouns (hen, they). If you are writing about me and are in doubt: ask.
The break-down below follows the Genderbread-model. This page is ever evolving through outsider input and self-awareness. If you want to track its changes, it is parsable with a microformats parser.
How you, in your head, define your gender, based on how much you align (or don’t align) with what you understand to be the options for gender.
The ways you present gender, through your actions, dress, and demeanor, and how those presentations are interpreted based on gender norms.
The physical sex characteristics you’re born with and develop, including genitalia, body shape, voice pitch, body hair, hormones, chromosomes, etc.